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2022-12-08 15:13 李新伟 李同杰  科研处 审核人:





Dr. Xuebin Yin,Professor of Anhui Science and Technology University, Director of Yangtze River Delta Institute for Functional Agriculture (Food) Science & Technology (iFAST), Vice Chairman of the International Society for Selenium Research, Chairman of the Chinese FAST Alliance, directors of the National Food Industry (Functional rice) Innovation Center, and the National Functional Coarse Cereal Grains Innovation Center. He is also the Executive Chairman of the 669th and 718th "Functional Agriculture" Issue Xiangshan Scientific Conference. He was the chairman or co-chairman of the Organizing Committee from the first to the sixth International Conference on Selenium.

Dr. Xuebin Yin has been focusing on functional agriculture for decades time. He has published more than 100 papers on functional agriculture, and edited or co-authored 10 monographs, including the first monograph about Functional Agriculture. He led the drafting of the first Selenium-enriched Agricultural Products industry standard, and led or participated in 10 national and industry standards such as Selenium-Enriched Soil and Selenium-Enriched Rice inChina. He has made outstanding contributions to the construction of new disciplines of functional agriculture, including theoretical system, standard system, industrial application and international cooperation.

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Tel: +86 136 5622 5443

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